Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today is a very important day, it's my mom's birthday.  My mom, is an amazing person.  Kind, generous, talented, created, selfless and just all around awesome.  She is a teacher and a student.  She's my family and my friend.  I trust her to tell me what's what, push me when I need it, and hug me when it's over.  She has spent the last 23 years making me into the smart, independent woman I like to think I'm becoming.  Plus, she's a damn fine artist!

There are no true words for how special you are to me Mom, I love you!
You can find her and her art at Artistkaren.com and KarenFriedland.com.

1 comment:

  1. You're the sweetest in the world, Honey. I love you.

